#004 - God's Big YES! - Short History of Breath Prayer

#004 -God's Big YES! - Short History of Breath Prayer

John and Sungshim dialogue about breath prayer as God's Big Yes to you!

The things we learned teaching breath prayer at Montrose Church.

Pray in the Spirit on all occasions [Eph 6:18]

Pray continually or pray without ceasing  [1 These 5:17]

Don’t be pulled in different directions or worried about a thing. Be saturated in prayer throughout each day,  [Phil 4:6]

The Big Brain Question from Mark Brady.

Brother Lawrence - The Practice of the Presence of God

The Way of the Pilgrim

Prayer - Richard Foster

“Life from the Center is a life of unhurried peace and power. It is simple.  It is serene.  It is amazing.  It is triumphant.  It is radiant.  It takes  no time, but it occupies all our time.  And it makes our life programs new and overcoming.”  - Thomas Kelly


God bless you

May we become the kind of people who experiences 

The God 

who sees us

who hears us

and knows the depth of what we experience 

so that we know that He is with us 

and He is doing something about this

by strengthening our spirits.

May we become the people of love.

Our private practice Loppnow Relationship Center


#005 - Grace || Makes You Alive [BREATH PRAYER]


#003 - Breath Prayer Practice - Psalm 23:1