Soul Sheperding's Kristi Gaultiere Interviews Sungshim RE: IJ

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Let me say that Bill & Kristi are friends and mentors and models for Sungshim and I. We love them like our brother and sister. Soul Shepherding is an amazing ministry we recommend to anyone interested in learning more about God's empathy.

A little back story.

This recording is the 2nd time they recorded it

because the 1st time it was interrupted by lawn mowing.

In this conversation, Kristi's kindness and sweetness come through to create the environment for Sungshim to shine light on the ease and realistic possibility that anyone with a willing and open heart can experience God's presence and love.

If you are interested in knowing God's empathy and nearness, this conversation is the one for you. Sungshim shares how Immanuel Journaling helps her and many clients and students of Presence + Practice.

After you listen please comment below and share your reflections below if you are so inclined.

Remember You are loved! Your truest nature is love.


Hearing God's Voice and Brain Science


임마누엘 일기 - 온누리교회 관계훈련 시리즈 #1. [IJ Teaching @ Onnuri Church #1]